# Licenses The main licenses are BSD. Since this site itself is based on the OpenDSS and AltDSS, the licenses follow below. ## OpenDSS License This is the main license of OpenDSS. ```{include} licenses/OPENDSS_LICENSE :literal: ``` ## AltDSS License This is the main license of the AltDSS/DSS C-API library. Same as the one from OpenDSS, but different authors. ```{include} licenses/ALTDSS_LICENSE :literal: ``` ## Other Each subproject has dedicated a license, since they originate from multiple authors and real-world organizations (DSS-Extensions is just a *GitHub* organization). These licenses include BSD, MIT, Apache2, and some variations. The fork of KLUSolve uses LGPL, as the original KLUSolve. KLU itself uses LGPL, Eigen too (with a template exception), so it makes sense to do the same since DSS-Extensions KLUSolve is a small wrapper to provide an API for the Pascal code.