# Publications *Third-party publications that reference or mention DSS-Extensions* This is an incomplete list of references for papers, reports, patents or other general works that cite one of the DSS-Extensions or contain a mention in the full text. Besides this header and some light post-processing, currently it's just a report from a Zotero collection. The list is also [available in BibLaTeX format](https://github.com/dss-extensions/dss-extensions/raw/main/citations/citations.bib). If you would like your work added, corrected or even removed from this document, please feel free to open a ticket at https://github.com/dss-extensions/dss-extensions/issues ```{note} The item numbers below has no specific meaning. It was added just to make it easier to mention something *on this page* in case of errors and so on. ``` ```{raw} html :file: publications.html ```