# Third-Party Repositories This is a collection of links to repositories that either use one of the projects under DSS-Extensions, or list them as working alternatives. [Follow here](https://dss-extensions.org/citations.html) for a list of papers that reference DSS-Extensions. GitHub also lists some of the repositories directly as dependents, including other repositories not listed here: - https://github.com/dss-extensions/DSS-Python/network/dependents - https://github.com/dss-extensions/OpenDSSDirect.py/network/dependents - https://github.com/dss-extensions/dss_sharp/network/dependents No curation has been done. Licenses, state of development, maturity and support vary. When in doubt, please contact the authors of each repository. The table is sorted by URL, that automatically groups by author/organization. *[Please feel free to open an issue or PR](https://github.com/dss-extensions/dss-extensions) if you wish to include/update/exclude your repository link or paper.* | Link | Title/description | | :-- | :----- | | https://github.com/4everyng/FLISR | FLISR: Fault isolation and restoration functions with OpenDSS data import | | https://github.com/Abhijeet1990/Dss_SimPy_RL | Open-DSS and SimPy based Cyber-Physical RL environment | | https://github.com/birkaransachdev/hunting-sims | Hunting Simulations using OpenDSS code | | https://github.com/caltech-netlab/acnportal-experiments/ | Case studies to demonstrate the use of ACN-Sim. | | https://github.com/christos21/bottom_up | BUMP: Smart Grid Bottom-up Modeling and Power-flow Analysis | | https://github.com/csiro-energy-systems/RepresentativeLVNetworks | Public Release of Julia and Python code and data from CSIRO's Low-Voltage Feeder Taxonomy (LVFT) Study | | https://github.com/dpinney/omf | The Open Modeling Framework for smart grid cost-benefit analysis | | https://github.com/dsilvafrano/solarcalc | Python code for 25 year PV economic analysis | | https://github.com/dualslash/opendss | Docker Interface for OpenDSS | | https://github.com/eepdnaclk/PV_rephasing-smartgrid | PV rephasing research | | https://github.com/eepdnaclk/state_estimation-smartgrid | State Estimation work in Smart Grid | | https://github.com/Energy-MAC/DSSDirectMicrogrid | Use OpenDSS to run Power Flow calculations in a Microgrid | | https://github.com/felipemarkson/dssdata | A python micro-framework for simulation and data analysis of electrical distribution systems modeled on OpenDSS. | | https://github.com/Fghow55/CosimulationProject | CosimulationProject: "My summer 2022-23 research project for the FAN group at the University of Auckland. It's a cosimulation algorithm written in Python that interacts with grid models in OpenDSS and Opal-RT." | | https://github.com/GMLC-TDC/pesgm-2019-helics-tutorial | PESGM 2019 HELICS tutorial | | https://github.com/GreenEVT/GreenEVT | Greensboro Electric Vehicle Testbed | | https://github.com/idaholab/Caldera_Grid | Caldera and OpenDSS co-simulation platform using HELICS | | https://github.com/jochenmadler/DEMS | Distributed Energy Management (DEMS) simulation framework | | https://github.com/LLNL/gridds | GridDS: Data Science Toolkit for Energy Grid Data (GridDS) | | https://github.com/MarioPeraltaA/AMI | Model-Free Hosting Capacity (HC) through Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in Medium and Low Voltage networks so that a Voltage Sensitivity analysis can be driven, besides comparing results of Voltage-Constrains against a Model-Base algorithm. | | https://github.com/mesmo-dev/mesmo | MESMO - Multi-Energy System Modeling and Optimization | | https://github.com/nb-377/OPF-Tutorial | Optimal power flow tutorial for islanded and grid connected microgrid using OpenDSS, Pyomo, and IPOPT. | | https://github.com/NREL/DG2 | (DG)² is an impact analysis tool | | https://github.com/NREL/disco | DISCO (Distribution Integration Solution Cost Options) | | https://github.com/NREL/ditto | DiTTo is a Distribution Transformation Tool that aims at providing an open source framework to convert various distribution systems modeling formats | | https://github.com/NREL/dss-cosim | Distribution system co-simulation with OpenDSS and DER controls | | https://github.com/NREL/DSS-SimPy-RL | NREL/DSS-SimPy-RL: This repository is an Reinforcement Learning Platform for learning agents to control cyber-physical Power Distribution Systems resiliently. The cyber environment in based on SimPy Discrete Event Simulator, while the distribution system is backened by Open-DSS. | | https://github.com/NREL/EMeRGE | Modern tool for exploring and performing DER impact assessment for power distribution networks. | | https://github.com/NREL/erad | Graph based python tool for computing equitable resilience | | https://github.com/NREL/EVOLVE | Evolution of Net Load Variation from Emerging Technologies (EVOLVE) | | https://github.com/NREL/mpc4clr | MPC4CLR is a Julia- and Python-based software package for the application of model predictive control (MPC) for critical load restoration (CLR) in power distribution systems | | https://github.com/NREL/OpenDSS-wrapper | Distribution system simulation python wrapper that connects OpenDSSDirect.py with a co-simulation framework | | https://github.com/NREL/PowerGridworld | PowerGridworld: A Framework for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Power Systems | | https://github.com/NREL/PyDSS | PyDSS is a high level python interface for OpenDSS | | https://github.com/NREL/rlc4clr | RLC4CLR: Reinforcement Learning Control for Critical Load Restoration | | https://github.com/openEDI/sgidal-example | This example shows how to use the GADAL (Grid Algorithms and Data Analytics Library) api to manage simulations. We also use it as a testing ground for the testing the combination of feeders, state estimation, and distributed OPF. | | https://github.com/Paralelopipet/RL_VVC_dataset | A Reinforcement Learning-based Volt-VAR Control Dataset | | https://github.com/patsec/ot-sim | OT-sim is a set of modules that run simulated OT devices in VMs or containers. It allows researchers to represent a physical system, at scale, in a co-simulation environment for specific or system-wide testing and evaluation without impacting a real-world system. Over time, our goal is to include additional protocol support and hardware-in-the-loop capability. | | https://github.com/siemens/powergym | PowerGym is a Gym-like environment for Volt-Var control in power distribution systems. | | https://github.com/sonercandas/fledge | FLEDGE - Flexible Distribution Grid Demonstrator | | https://github.com/supsi-dacd-isaac/krangpower | krangpower: Distribution System Simulator based on OpenDSS and OpenDSSDirect.py. Modern Syntax, DataFrames, Pint, Networkx, Algorithmic Agents. | | https://github.com/sustainable-computing/co_sim_platform | Maestro is a smart grid co-simulation platform built on top of Mosaik | | https://github.com/sustainable-computing/deadline-aware-fair-scheduling | A Deadline-Aware, Incentive-Compatible and Proportionally-Fair Mechanism for EV Charging in Distribution Grids | | https://github.com/tamu-engineering-research/OpenGridGym | OpenGridGym is an Open-Source AI-friendly toolkit for distribution market simulation | | https://github.com/Team-Nando/Tutorial-DERHostingCapacity-0-dss_python | Tutorial on DER Hosting Capacity - Part 0: Using dss\_python | | https://github.com/Team-Nando/Tutorial-DERHostingCapacity-1-AdvancedTools_LV | Tutorial on DER Hosting Capacity - Part 1: Advanced Tools for the Analysis of Three-Phase Unbalanced LV Networks | | https://github.com/Team-Nando/Tutorial-DERHostingCapacity-2-TimeSeries_LV | Tutorial on DER Hosting Capacity - Part 2: Time-Series Analysis of Three-Phase Unbalanced LV Networks | | https://github.com/typhoon-hil/opendss-typhoon-hil-interface | OpenDSS to Typhoon interface library | | https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-ditto-reader | Enhancement of URBANopt GeoJSON that can be consumed by DiTTo reader | | https://github.com/Zecao/ExecutorOpenDssBr | A C#(Visual Studio) OpenDSS customization to calculate the power flow of brazilian feeders created from GeoPerdasANEEL database |