Class TControlQueue



type TControlQueue = class(Tobject)





Public constructor Create(dssContext: TDSSContext);
Public destructor Destroy; OVERRIDE;
Public function Push(const Hour: Integer; const Sec: Double; const Code, ProxyHdl: Integer; const Owner: TControlElem): Integer; OVERLOAD;
Public function Push(const Hour: Integer; const Sec: Double; const Code: EControlAction; const ProxyHdl: Integer; const Owner: TControlElem): Integer; OVERLOAD;
Public procedure Clear;
Public procedure DoAllActions;
Public function DoNearestActions(var Hour: Integer; var Sec: Double): Boolean;
Public function DoActions(const Hour: Integer; const sec: Double): Boolean;
Public function DoMultiRate(const Hour: Integer; const sec: Double): Boolean;
Public function IsEmpty: Boolean;
Public procedure Delete(Hdl: Integer);
Public procedure ShowQueue(const Filenm: String);
Public function QueueItem(Qidx: Integer): String;


Public property TraceLog: Boolean READ DebugTrace WRITE Set_Trace;
Public property QueueSize: Integer READ Get_QueueSize;



Public constructor Create(dssContext: TDSSContext);
Public destructor Destroy; OVERRIDE;
Public function Push(const Hour: Integer; const Sec: Double; const Code, ProxyHdl: Integer; const Owner: TControlElem): Integer; OVERLOAD;
Public function Push(const Hour: Integer; const Sec: Double; const Code: EControlAction; const ProxyHdl: Integer; const Owner: TControlElem): Integer; OVERLOAD;
Public procedure Clear;
Public procedure DoAllActions;
Public function DoNearestActions(var Hour: Integer; var Sec: Double): Boolean;
Public function DoActions(const Hour: Integer; const sec: Double): Boolean;

Do only actions with lowest time

Public function DoMultiRate(const Hour: Integer; const sec: Double): Boolean;

Do actions with time <= t

Public function IsEmpty: Boolean;

Do actions with time <= t

Public procedure Delete(Hdl: Integer);
Public procedure ShowQueue(const Filenm: String);

Delete queue item by handle

Public function QueueItem(Qidx: Integer): String;


Public property TraceLog: Boolean READ DebugTrace WRITE Set_Trace;
Public property QueueSize: Integer READ Get_QueueSize;

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