Unit DSSUcomplex





Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record polar  

Functions and Procedures

function cmplx(const a, b: Double): complex; inline;
function cabs(const a: complex): Double; inline;
Function cabs2(const a:complex):double;
function cang(const a: complex): Double;
function cdang(const a: complex): Double;
function ctopolar(const a: complex): polar;
function ctopolardeg(const a: complex): polar;
function topolar(const a, b: Double): polar;
function ptocomplex(const a: polar): complex;
function pdegtocomplex(const magn, angle: Double): complex;
function pclx(const magn, angle: Double): complex;


Complex = UComplex.Complex;
PComplex = UComplex.PComplex;
pComplexArray = ˆComplexArray;
ComplexArray = array [1..100] of Complex;


CDOUBLEONE: Complex = (re: 1.0; im: 1.0);
cZERO: Complex = (re: 0.0; im: 0.0);
cONE: Complex = (re: 1.0; im: 0.0);


Functions and Procedures

function cmplx(const a, b: Double): complex; inline;
function cabs(const a: complex): Double; inline;
Function cabs2(const a:complex):double;
function cang(const a: complex): Double;

best when you don't need sqrt – TODO: rename?

function cdang(const a: complex): Double;
function ctopolar(const a: complex): polar;

angle of complex number, degrees

function ctopolardeg(const a: complex): polar;
function topolar(const a, b: Double): polar;

complex to polar, degrees

function ptocomplex(const a: polar): complex;

scalar to polar

function pdegtocomplex(const magn, angle: Double): complex;
function pclx(const magn, angle: Double): complex;


Complex = UComplex.Complex;
PComplex = UComplex.PComplex;
pComplexArray = ˆComplexArray;
ComplexArray = array [1..100] of Complex;


CDOUBLEONE: Complex = (re: 1.0; im: 1.0);
cZERO: Complex = (re: 0.0; im: 0.0);
cONE: Complex = (re: 1.0; im: 0.0);

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