Unit MemoryMap_lib

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records


**************************Memory mapped files Library************************** * This library was added to OpenDSS to handle the different functions related * * with mapping files into memory to accelerate the data manipulation process * * when including this device to the simulation * * * * last modification: 09-12-2016 * ********************************************************************************



Functions and Procedures

function Create_Meter_Space(Init_Str: String): TBytesStream; OVERLOAD;
procedure WriteintoMemStr(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; Content: String); OVERLOAD;
procedure WriteintoMem(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; Content: Double); OVERLOAD;
procedure CloseMHandler(DSS: TDSSContext; var Mem_Space: TBytesStream; const Dest_Path: String; AppendFile: Boolean);
procedure ReadMHandler(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; X_axis: pDoubleArray2d; Ylabels: pStringArray1d; Y_axis: pDoubleArray2d); OVERLOAD;
procedure Write_String(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; const Content: String);


DoubleArray1d = array of Double;
pDoubleArray1d = ˆDoubleArray1d;
DoubleArray2d = array of array of Double;
pDoubleArray2d = ˆDoubleArray2d;
StringArray1d = array of String;
pStringArray1d = ˆStringArray1d;


Functions and Procedures

function Create_Meter_Space(Init_Str: String): TBytesStream; OVERLOAD;
procedure WriteintoMemStr(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; Content: String); OVERLOAD;
procedure WriteintoMem(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; Content: Double); OVERLOAD;
procedure CloseMHandler(DSS: TDSSContext; var Mem_Space: TBytesStream; const Dest_Path: String; AppendFile: Boolean);
procedure ReadMHandler(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; X_axis: pDoubleArray2d; Ylabels: pStringArray1d; Y_axis: pDoubleArray2d); OVERLOAD;
procedure Write_String(Mem_Space: TBytesStream; const Content: String);


DoubleArray1d = array of Double;
pDoubleArray1d = ˆDoubleArray1d;
DoubleArray2d = array of array of Double;
pDoubleArray2d = ˆDoubleArray2d;
StringArray1d = array of String;
pStringArray1d = ˆStringArray1d;

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