| IReclosers (dss::APIUtil *util) |
strings | AllNames () |
| Array of strings with all Recloser names in the circuit.
int32_t | Count () |
| Number of Recloser objects in active circuit.
int32_t | First () |
| Sets the first Recloser active. More...
string | Name () |
| Get the name of the current active Recloser.
IReclosers & | Name (const char *value) |
| Sets the active Recloser by Name.
IReclosers & | Name (const string &value) |
int32_t | Next () |
| Sets the next Recloser active. More...
int32_t | idx () |
| Get active Recloser by index; index is 1-based: 1..count.
void | idx (int32_t value) |
| Get active Recloser by index; index is 1-based: 1..count.
void | Close () |
void | Open () |
double | GroundInst () |
| Ground (3I0) instantaneous trip setting - curve multipler or actual amps.
IReclosers & | GroundInst (double value) |
double | GroundTrip () |
| Ground (3I0) trip multiplier or actual amps.
IReclosers & | GroundTrip (double value) |
string | MonitoredObj () |
| Full name of object this Recloser to be monitored.
IReclosers & | MonitoredObj (const char *value) |
IReclosers & | MonitoredObj (const string &value) |
int32_t | MonitoredTerm () |
| Terminal number of Monitored object for the Recloser.
IReclosers & | MonitoredTerm (int32_t value) |
int32_t | NumFast () |
| Number of fast shots.
IReclosers & | NumFast (int32_t value) |
double | PhaseInst () |
| Phase instantaneous curve multipler or actual amps.
IReclosers & | PhaseInst (double value) |
double | PhaseTrip () |
| Phase trip curve multiplier or actual amps.
IReclosers & | PhaseTrip (double value) |
template<typename VectorT = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>> |
VectorT | RecloseIntervals () |
| Array of Doubles: reclose intervals, s, between shots.
int32_t | Shots () |
| Number of shots to lockout (fast + delayed)
IReclosers & | Shots (int32_t value) |
string | SwitchedObj () |
| Full name of the circuit element that is being switched by the Recloser.
IReclosers & | SwitchedObj (const char *value) |
IReclosers & | SwitchedObj (const string &value) |
int32_t | SwitchedTerm () |
| Terminal number of the controlled device being switched by the Recloser.
IReclosers & | SwitchedTerm (int32_t value) |
void | Reset () |
| Reset recloser to normal state. More...
int32_t | State () |
| Get/Set present state of recloser. More...
IReclosers & | State (int32_t value) |
int32_t | NormalState () |
| Get/set normal state (ActionCodes.Open=1, ActionCodes.Close=2) of the recloser.
IReclosers & | NormalState (int32_t value) |
| ContextState (APIUtil *util) |