Module Contents#
- class altdss.ControlQueue.IControlQueue(api_util, prefer_lists=False)#
- property ActionCode: int#
Code for the active action. Long integer code to tell the control device what to do
- ClearActions()#
- ClearQueue()#
- Delete(ActionHandle)#
- property DeviceHandle: int#
Handle (User defined) to device that must act on the pending action.
- DoAllQueue()#
- property NumActions: int#
Number of Actions on the current actionlist (that have been popped off the control queue by CheckControlActions)
- property PopAction: int#
Pops next action off the action list and makes it the active action. Returns zero if none.
- Push(Hour: int, Seconds: float, ActionCode: int, DeviceHandle: int)#
Push a control action onto the DSS control queue by time, action code, and device handle (user defined). Returns Control Queue handle.
- property Queue: List[str]#
Array of strings containing the entire queue in CSV format
- property QueueSize: int#
Number of items on the OpenDSS control Queue
- SetAction(index: int)#
Set the active action by index
- Show()#
- __init__(api_util, prefer_lists=False)#