Unit KLUSolve
- UComplex
- DSSUcomplex
Functions and Procedures
procedure mvmult(N: integer; b, A, x: pComplexArray); cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION NewSparseSet(nBus:LongWord):NativeUInt; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION DeleteSparseSet(id:NativeUInt):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION SolveSparseSet(id:NativeUInt; x,b:pComplexArray):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION ZeroSparseSet(id:NativeUInt):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION FactorSparseMatrix(id:NativeUInt):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetSize(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetFlops(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetNNZ(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetSparseNNZ(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetSingularCol(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetRGrowth(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetRCond(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetCondEst(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION AddPrimitiveMatrix(id:NativeUInt; nOrder:LongWord; Nodes: pLongWord; Mat: pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION SetLogFile(Path: pChar; Action:LongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetCompressedMatrix(id:NativeUInt; nColP, nNZ:LongWord; pColP, pRowIdx: pLongWord; Mat: pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetTripletMatrix(id:NativeUInt; nNZ:LongWord; pRows, pCols: pLongWord; Mat: pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION FindIslands(id:NativeUInt; nOrder:LongWord; pNodes: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION AddMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord; Value:pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION GetMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord; Value:pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION IncrementMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord; re: Double; im: Double):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION ZeroiseMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION SetOptions(id:NativeUInt; options: UInt64):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Functions and Procedures
procedure mvmult(N: integer; b, A, x: pComplexArray); cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION NewSparseSet(nBus:LongWord):NativeUInt; cdecl; external; |
in general, KLU arrays are 0-based function calls return 0 to indicate failure, 1 for success returns the non-zero handle of a new sparse matrix, if successful must call DeleteSparseSet on the valid handle when finished |
FUNCTION DeleteSparseSet(id:NativeUInt):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
return 1 for success, 0 for invalid handle |
FUNCTION SolveSparseSet(id:NativeUInt; x,b:pComplexArray):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
return 1 for success, 2 for singular, 0 for invalid handle factors matrix if needed |
FUNCTION ZeroSparseSet(id:NativeUInt):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
return 1 for success, 0 for invalid handle |
FUNCTION FactorSparseMatrix(id:NativeUInt):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
return 1 for success, 2 for singular, 0 for invalid handle FactorSparseMatrix does no extra work if the factoring was done previously |
FUNCTION GetSize(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
These "Get" functions for matrix information all return 1 for success, 0 for invalid handle Res is the matrix order (number of nodes) |
FUNCTION GetFlops(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
the following function results are not known prior to factoring Res is the number of floating point operations to factor |
FUNCTION GetNNZ(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Res is number of non-zero entries in the original matrix |
FUNCTION GetSparseNNZ(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Res is the number of non-zero entries in factored matrix |
FUNCTION GetSingularCol(id:NativeUInt; Res: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Res is a column number corresponding to a singularity, or 0 if not singular |
FUNCTION GetRGrowth(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Res is the pivot element growth factor |
FUNCTION GetRCond(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Res is aquick estimate of the reciprocal of condition number |
FUNCTION GetCondEst(id:NativeUInt; Res: pDouble):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Res is a more accurate estimate of condition number |
FUNCTION AddPrimitiveMatrix(id:NativeUInt; nOrder:LongWord; Nodes: pLongWord; Mat: pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
return 1 for success, 0 for invalid handle or a node number out of range |
FUNCTION SetLogFile(Path: pChar; Action:LongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
Action = 0 (close), 1 (rewrite) or 2 (append) |
FUNCTION GetCompressedMatrix(id:NativeUInt; nColP, nNZ:LongWord; pColP, pRowIdx: pLongWord; Mat: pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
fill sparse matrix in compressed column form return 1 for success, 0 for invalid handle, 2 for invalid array sizes pColP must be of length nColP == nBus + 1 pRowIdx and pMat of length nNZ, which must be at least the value returned by GetNNZ |
FUNCTION GetTripletMatrix(id:NativeUInt; nNZ:LongWord; pRows, pCols: pLongWord; Mat: pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
fill sparse matrix in triplet form return 1 for success, 0 for invalid handle, 2 for invalid array sizes pRows, pCols, and Mat must all be of length nNZ |
FUNCTION FindIslands(id:NativeUInt; nOrder:LongWord; pNodes: pLongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
returns number of islands >= 1 by graph traversal pNodes contains the island number for each node |
FUNCTION AddMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord; Value:pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
AddMatrixElement is deprecated, use AddPrimitiveMatrix instead |
FUNCTION GetMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord; Value:pComplex):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
GetMatrixElement is deprecated, use GetCompressedMatrix or GetTripletMatrix |
FUNCTION IncrementMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord; re: Double; im: Double):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION ZeroiseMatrixElement(id:NativeUInt; i,j:LongWord):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
FUNCTION SetOptions(id:NativeUInt; options: UInt64):LongWord; cdecl; external; |
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