Class TLineConstants



type TLineConstants = class(TObject)


This class returns a matrix ordered by phases first then remaining conductors Assumes phases are defined first




Protected FNumConds: Integer;
Protected FNPhases: Integer;
Protected FData: pDouble;
Protected FX: pDoubleArray;
Protected FY: pDoubleArray;
Protected FRdc: pDoubleArray;
Protected FRac: pDoubleArray;
Protected FGMR: pDoubleArray;
Protected Fradius: pDoubleArray;
Protected Fcapradius: pDoubleArray;
Protected FZmatrix: TCmatrix;
Protected FYCmatrix: TCmatrix;
Protected FZreduced: TCMatrix;
Protected FYCreduced: TCMatrix;
Protected FFrequency: Double;
Protected Fw: Double;
Protected FrhoEarth: Double;
Protected Fme: Complex;
Protected FRhoChanged: Boolean;


Protected function Get_GMR(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_radius(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_Rdc(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_Rac(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_X(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_Y(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_YCmatrix(f, Lngth: Double; Units: Integer): Tcmatrix;
Protected function Get_Ze(i, j, EarthModel: Integer): Complex;
Protected function Get_Zint(i, EarthModel: Integer): Complex;
Protected function Get_Zmatrix(f, Lngth: Double; Units, EarthModel: Integer): Tcmatrix;
Protected procedure Set_GMR(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_radius(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Rdc(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Rac(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_X(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Y(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Frequency(const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Frhoearth(const Value: Double);
Protected function Get_Capradius(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected procedure Set_Capradius(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure set_Nphases(const Value: Integer);
Public function ConductorsInSameSpace(var ErrorMessage: String): Boolean; VIRTUAL;
Public procedure Calc(f: Double; EarthModel: Integer); VIRTUAL;
Public procedure Kron(Norder: Integer); VIRTUAL;
Public procedure Reduce;
Public constructor Create(NumConductors: Integer);
Public destructor Destroy; OVERRIDE;


Protected property Frequency: Double READ FFrequency WRITE Set_Frequency;
Public property X[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_X WRITE Set_X;
Public property Y[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_Y WRITE Set_Y;
Public property Rdc[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_Rdc WRITE Set_Rdc;
Public property Rac[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_Rac WRITE Set_Rac;
Public property radius[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_radius WRITE Set_radius;
Public property Capradius[i,units:Integer]: Double Read Get_Capradius Write Set_Capradius;
Public property GMR[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_GMR WRITE Set_GMR;
Public property Zint[i,EarthModel:Integer]: Complex READ Get_Zint;
Public property Ze[i,j,EarthModel:Integer]: Complex READ Get_Ze;
Public property rhoearth: Double READ Frhoearth WRITE Set_Frhoearth;
Public property Zmatrix[f,Lngth:Double;Units,EarthModel:Integer]: Tcmatrix READ Get_Zmatrix;
Public property YCmatrix[f,Lngth:Double;Units:Integer]: Tcmatrix READ Get_YCmatrix;
Public property Nphases: Integer READ FNPhases WRITE set_Nphases;
Public property Nconductors: Integer READ FNumConds;



Protected FNumConds: Integer;
Protected FNPhases: Integer;
Protected FData: pDouble;
Protected FX: pDoubleArray;

Memory for the arrays below is shared in FData above;

Protected FY: pDoubleArray;
Protected FRdc: pDoubleArray;
Protected FRac: pDoubleArray;


Protected FGMR: pDoubleArray;


Protected Fradius: pDoubleArray;


Protected Fcapradius: pDoubleArray;
Protected FZmatrix: TCmatrix;

if different than radius; defaults to radius Primarily for bundled conductors

Protected FYCmatrix: TCmatrix;

in ohms/m

Protected FZreduced: TCMatrix;

siemens/m — jwC

Protected FYCreduced: TCMatrix;

These two do not exist until Kron Reduction

Protected FFrequency: Double;

is executed

Protected Fw: Double;

Frequency for which impedances are computed

Protected FrhoEarth: Double;


Protected Fme: Complex;


Protected FRhoChanged: Boolean;

factor for earth impedance


Protected function Get_GMR(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_radius(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_Rdc(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_Rac(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_X(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_Y(i, units: Integer): Double;
Protected function Get_YCmatrix(f, Lngth: Double; Units: Integer): Tcmatrix;
Protected function Get_Ze(i, j, EarthModel: Integer): Complex;
Protected function Get_Zint(i, EarthModel: Integer): Complex;
Protected function Get_Zmatrix(f, Lngth: Double; Units, EarthModel: Integer): Tcmatrix;
Protected procedure Set_GMR(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_radius(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Rdc(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Rac(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_X(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Y(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Frequency(const Value: Double);
Protected procedure Set_Frhoearth(const Value: Double);
Protected function Get_Capradius(i, units: Integer): Double;

m This allows you to compute capacitance using a different radius – for bundled conductors

Protected procedure Set_Capradius(i, units: Integer; const Value: Double);
Protected procedure set_Nphases(const Value: Integer);
Public function ConductorsInSameSpace(var ErrorMessage: String): Boolean; VIRTUAL;
Public procedure Calc(f: Double; EarthModel: Integer); VIRTUAL;
Public procedure Kron(Norder: Integer); VIRTUAL;

force a calc of impedances

Public procedure Reduce;

Performs a Kron reduction leaving first Norder rows

Public constructor Create(NumConductors: Integer);
Public destructor Destroy; OVERRIDE;


Protected property Frequency: Double READ FFrequency WRITE Set_Frequency;

These can only be called privately

Public property X[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_X WRITE Set_X;

Kron reduce to Numphases only

Public property Y[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_Y WRITE Set_Y;
Public property Rdc[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_Rdc WRITE Set_Rdc;
Public property Rac[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_Rac WRITE Set_Rac;
Public property radius[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_radius WRITE Set_radius;
Public property Capradius[i,units:Integer]: Double Read Get_Capradius Write Set_Capradius;
Public property GMR[i,units:Integer]: Double READ Get_GMR WRITE Set_GMR;
Public property Zint[i,EarthModel:Integer]: Complex READ Get_Zint;
Public property Ze[i,j,EarthModel:Integer]: Complex READ Get_Ze;

Internal impedance of i-th conductor for present frequency

Public property rhoearth: Double READ Frhoearth WRITE Set_Frhoearth;

Earth return impedance at present frequency for ij element

Public property Zmatrix[f,Lngth:Double;Units,EarthModel:Integer]: Tcmatrix READ Get_Zmatrix;

These two properties will auto recalc the impedance matrices if frequency is different Converts to desired units when executed; Returns Pointer to Working Verstion

Public property YCmatrix[f,Lngth:Double;Units:Integer]: Tcmatrix READ Get_YCmatrix;
Public property Nphases: Integer READ FNPhases WRITE set_Nphases;
Public property Nconductors: Integer READ FNumConds;

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