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Relays Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Relays type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllNames
Array of strings with all Relay names in the circuit.
Public propertyCount
Number of Relay objects in active circuit.
Public propertyFirst
Sets the first Relay active. Returns 0 if no more.
Public propertyidx
Get/set active Relay by index; index is 1-based: 1..count
Public propertyMonitoredObj
Full name of object this Relay is monitoring.
Public propertyMonitoredTerm
Number of terminal of monitored element that this Relay is monitoring.
Public propertyName
Sets the active Relay by Name.
Public propertyNext
Sets the next Relay active. Returns 0 if no more.
Public propertyNormalState
Normal state of relay.
Public propertyState
Get/Set present state of relay. If set to open, open relay's controlled element and lock out the relay. If set to close, close relay's controlled element and resets relay to first operation.
Public propertySwitchedObj
Full name of element that will be switched when relay trips.
Public propertySwitchedTerm
Terminal number of the switched object that will be opened when the relay trips.
See Also