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LineCodes Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The LineCodes type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllNames
Array of strings with all LineCode names in the circuit.
Public propertyC0
Zero-sequence capacitance, nF per unit length
Public propertyC1
Positive-sequence capacitance, nF per unit length
Public propertyCmatrix
Capacitance matrix, nF per unit length
Public propertyCount
Number of LineCode objects in active circuit.
Public propertyEmergAmps
Emergency ampere rating
Public propertyFirst
Sets the first LineCode active. Returns 0 if no more.
Public propertyidx
Get/set active LineCode by index; index is 1-based: 1..count
Public propertyIsZ1Z0
Flag denoting whether impedance data were entered in symmetrical components
Public propertyName
Sets the active LineCode by Name.
Public propertyNext
Sets the next LineCode active. Returns 0 if no more.
Public propertyNormAmps
Normal Ampere rating
Public propertyPhases
Number of Phases
Public propertyR0
Zero-Sequence Resistance, ohms per unit length
Public propertyR1
Positive-sequence resistance ohms per unit length
Public propertyRmatrix
Resistance matrix, ohms per unit length
Public propertyUnits
Public propertyX0
Zero Sequence Reactance, Ohms per unit length
Public propertyX1
Posiive-sequence reactance, ohms per unit length
Public propertyXmatrix
Reactance matrix, ohms per unit length
See Also