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CapControls Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The CapControls type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllNames
Array of strings with all CapControl names in the circuit.
Public propertyCapacitor
Name of the Capacitor that is controlled.
Public propertyCount
Number of CapControl objects in active circuit.
Public propertyCTratio
Transducer ratio from pirmary current to control current.
Public propertyDeadTime
Public propertyDelay
Time delay [s] to switch on after arming. Control may reset before actually switching.
Public propertyDelayOff
Time delay [s] before swithcing off a step. Control may reset before actually switching.
Public propertyFirst
Sets the first CapControl active. Returns 0 if no more.
Public propertyidx
Get/set active CapControl by index; index is 1-based: 1..count
Public propertyMode
Type of automatic controller.
Public propertyMonitoredObj
Full name of the element that PT and CT are connected to.
Public propertyMonitoredTerm
Terminal number on the element that PT and CT are connected to.
Public propertyName
Sets the active CapControl by Name.
Public propertyNext
Sets the next CapControl active. Returns 0 if no more.
Public propertyOFFSetting
Threshold to switch off a step. See Mode for units.
Public propertyONSetting
Threshold to arm or switch on a step. See Mode for units.
Public propertyPTratio
Transducer ratio from primary feeder to control voltage.
Public propertyUseVoltOverride
Enables Vmin and Vmax to override the control Mode
Public propertyVmax
With VoltOverride, swtich off whenever PT voltage exceeds this level.
Public propertyVmin
With VoltOverride, switch ON whenever PT voltage drops below this level.
See Also