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Parser Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Parser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoIncrement
Default is FALSE. If TRUE parser automatically advances to next token after DblValue, IntValue, or StrValue. Simpler when you don't need to check for parameter names.
Public propertyBeginQuote
Get/Set String containing the the characters for Quoting in OpenDSS scripts. Matching pairs defined in EndQuote. Default is "'([{.
Public propertyCmdString
String to be parsed. Loading this string resets the Parser to the beginning of the line. Then parse off the tokens in sequence.
Public propertyDblValue
Return next parameter as a double.
Public propertyDelimiters
String defining hard delimiters used to separate token on the command string. Default is , and =. The = separates token name from token value. These override whitesspace to separate tokens.
Public propertyEndQuote
String containing characters, in order, that match the beginning quote characters in BeginQuote. Default is "')]}
Public propertyIntValue
Return next parameter as a long integer.
Public propertyNextParam
Get next token and return tag name (before = sign) if any. See AutoIncrement.
Public propertyStrValue
Return next parameter as a string
Public propertyWhiteSpace
(read) Get the characters used for White space in the command string. Default is blank and Tab. (write) Set the characters used for White space in the command string. Default is blank and Tab.
See Also