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Topology Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Topology type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveBranch
Returns index of the active branch
Public propertyActiveLevel
Topological depth of the active branch
Public propertyAllIsolatedBranches
Array of all isolated branch names.
Public propertyAllIsolatedLoads
Array of all isolated load names.
Public propertyAllLoopedPairs
Array of all looped element names, by pairs.
Public propertyBackwardBranch
MOve back toward the source, return index of new active branch, or 0 if no more.
Public propertyBranchName
Name of the active branch.
Public propertyBusName
Set the active branch to one containing this bus, return index or 0 if not found
Public propertyFirst
Sets the first branch active, returns 0 if none.
Public propertyFirstLoad
First load at the active branch, return index or 0 if none.
Public propertyForwardBranch
Move forward in the tree, return index of new active branch or 0 if no more
Public propertyLoopedBranch
Move to looped branch, return index or 0 if none.
Public propertyNext
Sets the next branch active, returns 0 if no more.
Public propertyNextLoad
Next load at the active branch, return index or 0 if no more.
Public propertyNumIsolatedBranches
Number of isolated branches (PD elements and capacitors).
Public propertyNumIsolatedLoads
Number of isolated loads
Public propertyNumLoops
Number of loops
Public propertyParallelBranch
Move to directly parallel branch, return index or 0 if none.
See Also