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Parallel Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Parallel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveActor
Gets/sets the ID of the Active Actor
Public propertyActiveParallel
(read) Sets ON/OFF (1/0) Parallel features of the Engine (write) Delivers if the Parallel features of the Engine are Active
Public propertyActorCPU
Gets/sets the CPU of the Active Actor
Public propertyActorProgress
Gets the progress of all existing actors in pct
Public propertyActorStatus
Gets the status of each actor
Public propertyConcatenateReports
(read) Reads the values of the ConcatenateReports option (1=enabled, 0=disabled) (write) Enable/Disable (1/0) the ConcatenateReports option for extracting monitors data
Public propertyNumCores
Delivers the number of Cores of the local PC
Public propertyNumCPUs
Delivers the number of CPUs on the current PC
Public propertyNumOfActors
Gets the number of Actors created
See Also