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Circuit Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:dss_sharp.Circuit"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  dss_sharp
Assembly:  dss_sharp (in dss_sharp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public class Circuit : ContextState

The Circuit type exposes the following members.

Public methodCircuit
Initializes a new instance of the Circuit class
Public propertyAllBusDistances
Returns distance from each bus to parent EnergyMeter. Corresponds to sequence in AllBusNames.
Public propertyAllBusNames
Array of strings containing names of all buses in circuit (see AllNodeNames).
Public propertyAllBusVmag
Array of magnitudes (doubles) of voltages at all buses
Public propertyAllBusVmagPu
Double Array of all bus voltages (each node) magnitudes in Per unit
Public propertyAllBusVolts
Complex array of all bus, node voltages from most recent solution
Public propertyAllElementLosses
Array of total losses (complex) in each circuit element
Public propertyAllElementNames
Array of strings containing Full Name of all elements.
Public propertyAllNodeDistances
Returns an array of distances from parent EnergyMeter for each Node. Corresponds to AllBusVMag sequence.
Public propertyAllNodeNames
Array of strings containing full name of each node in system in same order as returned by AllBusVolts, etc.
Public propertyLineLosses
Complex total line losses in the circuit
Public propertyLosses
Total losses in active circuit, complex number (two-element array of double).
Public propertyName
Name of the active circuit.
Public propertyNumBuses
Total number of Buses in the circuit.
Public propertyNumCktElements
Number of CktElements in the circuit.
Public propertyNumNodes
Total number of nodes in the circuit.
Public propertyParentPDElement
Sets Parent PD element, if any, to be the active circuit element and returns index>0; Returns 0 if it fails or not applicable.
Public propertySubstationLosses
Complex losses in all transformers designated to substations.
Public propertySystemY
System Y matrix (after a solution has been performed). This is deprecated as it returns a dense matrix. Only use it for small systems. For large scale systems, prefer YMatrix.GetCompressedYMatrix.
Public propertyTotalPower
Total power, kW delivered to the circuit
Public propertyYCurrents
Array of doubles containing complex injection currents for the present solution. Is is the "I" vector of I=YV
Public propertyYNodeOrder
Array of strings containing the names of the nodes in the same order as the Y matrix
Public propertyYNodeVarray
Complex array of actual node voltages in same order as SystemY matrix.
Public methodAllNodeDistancesByPhase
Returns an array of doubles representing the distances to parent EnergyMeter. Sequence of array corresponds to other node ByPhase properties.
Public methodAllNodeNamesByPhase
Return array of strings of the node names for the By Phase criteria. Sequence corresponds to other ByPhase properties.
Public methodAllNodeVmagByPhase
Returns Array of doubles represent voltage magnitudes for nodes on the specified phase.
Public methodAllNodeVmagPUByPhase
Returns array of per unit voltage magnitudes for each node by phase
Public methodCapacity
Protected methodCheckForError (Inherited from ContextState.)
Public methodDisable
Public methodElementLosses
Array of total losses (complex) in a selection of elements. Use the element indices (starting at 1) as parameter. (API Extension)
Public methodEnable
Public methodEndOfTimeStepUpdate
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFirstElement
Public methodFirstPCElement
Public methodFirstPDElement
Public methodget_Buses(Int32)
Activates and returns a bus by its (zero-based) index.
Public methodget_Buses(String)
Activates and returns a bus by its name.
Public methodget_CktElements(Int32)
Activates and returns a CktElement by its global (zero-based) index.
Public methodget_CktElements(String)
Activates and returns a CktElement by its full name (e.g. "").
Public methodGetContextHandle
Returns the low-level handle of the current OpenDSS/DSS-CAPI instance.
(Inherited from ContextState.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodNextElement
Public methodNextPCElement
Public methodNextPDElement
Public methodSample
Public methodSaveSample
Public methodSetActiveBus
Public methodSetActiveBusi
Public methodSetActiveClass
Public methodSetActiveElement
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateStorage
See Also